Pipelines are the most sustainable way to deliver energy. Pipelines deliver energy with the least amount of environmental impact and lowest greenhouse gas emissions. We have a choice on how we deliver the liquid energy American needs. Pipelines are the sustainable energy delivery choice.  Learn More >
Pipeline operator working on pipeline


Liquids pipelines are powered primarily by electric pumps with few GHG emissions of their own. Both trains and trucks use diesel engines and emit more GHGs than pipelines.
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Pipeline operator working on pipeline


Government review has found the probability of a pipeline incident is lower and volume of product released into the environment less than trains. Pipelines are designed, built, operated and maintained to minimize their impact on the environment.
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CO2 Transportation and Storage

Pipelines Are Helping to Deliver a Lower Carbon Future

Pipelines are delivering lower carbon fuels such as biodiesel and liquid petroleum gases. Pipelines are the essential connection between carbon capture and underground storage. Pipeline operators are also reducing their direct, indirect and third party GHG emissions.
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CO2 Pipelines

CO2 pipelines are vital for addressing climate change. Experts agree in order to meet climate temperature goals we must capture CO2 emissions from manufacturing, industrial, and power generation sources and store it safely away, preventing it from entering the atmosphere. Pipelines are how we will transport carbon emissions from they are captured to locations where we can store them.

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CO2 Pipelines


Sustainable pipeline operations mean using less energy and emitting fewer greenhouse gases when we deliver energy by pipeline. While liquids pipeline operations emit few greenhouse gases directly, we can operate more efficiently, use less energy to operate and thereby lower emissions indirectly. We can also use pipelines to deliver cleaner fuels to help others reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

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LEPA recognizes climate change is a challenge and is committed to promoting innovations that minimize pipeline greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while meeting the world's energy needs. Innovations LEPA is promoting to meet energy needs while also reducing GHG emissions include:

  • encouraging improved pipeline operations with a focus on GHG emissions
  • investing in development and deployment technologies that reduce GHG emissions from pipeline operations
  • engaging in research and development to better understand and manage GHG emissions from pipelines
  • participating in the development of responsible policies that address climate change as part of a comprehensive plan for meeting the world's energy needs

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Environmental Protection

Pipeline operators minimize the environmental impact of their pipelines with route selection, construction and materials, proactive inspections and preventative maintenance, 24/7 leak detection systems, and emergency response programs.

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Environmental Protection